Thankful Thursday - Dear Ethan.....
Dear Ethan,
I can't believe today you are 8! It seems like just yesterday I was holding you for the very first time. I know all parents say that, but it is so SO true. Eight years ago, right about now actually, we were looking at each other thinking 'who is this strange new person' and now here we are sometimes still thinking the very same thing! You are growing and changing every day and you are still keeping me on my toes. With you, there is never a dull moment, and even though sometimes that may sound like something negative in reality your dad and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I love watching you read and play Lego, your two newest obsessions. You are so incredibly passionate about the things that you do and you have suddenly become a Lego fanatic. You are constantly building new and exciting things and it is really cool to hear you explain your new creations. We've written stories, drawn pictures, even made a photo journal story. Your imagination is soaring right now.
The other day you asked me to measure you again (you constantly tell me you think you've grown) and I thought there was no way you'd grow much in the last month. You were right though, you had grown - a whole INCH and A HALF!! Now when you stand up tall in from of me, you touch my chin with the top of your head. Yesterday you thought it was so funny that Uncle Wader is younger than me and SO much bigger than me. You were very tickled that he calls me his "big little sister" and very soon, no doubt you will be calling me your "Little Mama" - we can drop the 'big' part, I'm okay with that.
Happy Birthday, dearest boy. When you were tiny, I would hold you and try to imagine the boy you would become, and I wept that I wouldn't always be able to protect you and keep you away from all the hurt of the world, but I can see you are holding your own in this big bad world. I love the boy you are and I can't wait to meet the man you will become, pally.
I love you with all my heart.
Bravo, Ethan I hope you know how special your family is (all 20 of us or there abouts). You will one day look back and smile at the love and careing that your mom has penned today.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Unken Wader
Anonymous, at 11/02/2006 08:17:00 a.m.
Sorry 200 of us and yes I am still a bad speller.
Anonymous, at 11/02/2006 08:18:00 a.m.
You all make me proud and yes Ethan with all his talent and challenges what a special boy you are. Love Mum
Anonymous, at 11/02/2006 09:03:00 a.m.
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