The Fabricated Goddess

Friday, December 01, 2006

On The List So-Far....

Okay, so I will continue to update this today and tomorrow as names come in, but so far the list of people entered to win the mystery prize are: Char Shram Deb My Little Light Simone Courtnay Lamby! Rose Jen Lizzy Doe Auntie Sharon Rachel Angie Rita Aunt Mary Tracy (I don't know who else from the family is reading....let me know, QUICK) Mum (?) Krystin (from Dad's old office) Zephers (are you still reading?) Gups (are you out there too?) TBO And Treena, who's been quietly reading from the start....I can't believe I almost forgot you! Men?? do you want in on this?? it's a girlie kind of gift, you could always give it away and thus save yourself the agony of actually shopping. Win win, no? To be continued..... Picture forthcoming!! Promise. And if you don't see your name and you think you should, be patient, the ol' hard drive is working over-time here. Leave a comment in the comment section for me to remind me.


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