Post-Valentine's Post...
It's been sunny here (lovely) and brrr COLD here for days. So. I thought, what better way to warm me up from the inside out than some random heartfelt expressions of post-Valentine's love (in no particular order)? If I missed you on this leg, stay tuned, these things usually come over me in waves.
Mum & Pops: Thank you for always believing that I am capable of anything I set my mind to. Write a book? No problem. Master painter? You don't know what it is, but you LOVE it! Actress, songstress, funny girl? Who knew? I love your feed back. I love your encouragement. I don't think I can express how lucky I feel to have you two as parents. I'm truly blessed.
My Sistalahs: You all know my story. You know how transitory my life has been, and you know also that this has meant letting go of so many friendships. I had come to accept that this was how it was. You are a gift beyond the measure of the riches of man. Thank you for teaching me so much. Thank you for showing me God's love and strength thru your own lives. I am amazed by your beauties, humbled by your faith and rewarded by your victories. This is me basking in the glow of the light that shines in you out onto the world.
Wader: Wow, I'm so proud of the man you've become, little brother. You amaze me. I am so excited for you on this new adventure you are having. My only advice: don't grow a beard; they may just think you are the wolly mammoth of the great white north. I don't want to find out that my only brother was shot, stuffed and put on display somewhere in Reykjavik as evidence of the Icelandic sasquatch. Just know that your big-little sister will always love you, Tater-king.
My Family - far and wide: Thank you for always laughing with such ease. You are the soundtrack of my life - the echos in my heart. I'm sorry I'm not naming you all individually, but DANG, there are so many of you. Know that you are loved.
Trace: The first sister I never had. I'm so proud of you: of your family, your career, but most of all, of your heart. Thanks for being an ear and shoulder when I need it. Thanks for loving me and encouraging me through some tough times. I love you.
B: Two years ago (yes it's been two years already) I could barely stand to post on the BS forum. I felt incoherent, old, anxiously exposed, indecisive and without creative purpose or drive. Thanks for being one piece of my puzzle. I didn't know it at the time, but Broken Saints and you would be my 'jump start' to getting back into a creative groove.
My Boys: You are both getting so big! Just yesterday you were two sweet babes, with soft skin and the sweetest smell. And now? Look at you! Why do I feel like I'm going to go to sleep one night and wake up the next moring to find you all grown up? Yes, it's going by THAT fast. I love you with all my heart. You challenge me. You stretch me. You make me crazy sometimes. I wouldn't change that for the world.
Erin: I can never find enough words in the English language to express what you mean to me. I'm so luck to have found you. Even luckier to have somehow, inspite of my youth, recognized that I had found a gem amongst men. You put up with all of me, and that's saying a lot. I don't know how you find it in you to be so loving, so patient and so supportive, but I am grateful with every fibre of my being that you chose to hitch yourself to me and shoulder the weight of life at my side. Thank you, thank you, thank you, love.
Sniff, sniff...right back at'cha!
Treasured Grace, at 2/18/2006 06:27:00 p.m.
Sniff, sniff and a 100 more. My beautious child don't ever stop being who you are......keep writing your creative juices are flowing. Love Mum
Anonymous, at 2/20/2006 09:53:00 a.m.
Mike you will always be the light in our hearts. From the day you arrived i knew there was something special there. You just keep rememebering who you are. We are the lucky ones to have know you., and your family. LHD
Anonymous, at 2/20/2006 09:55:00 a.m.
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